How difficult can it be, 2024, piece of canvas, ink, vinyl paint and used staples on canvas, 24 x 19 cm
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Old Coquet, 2024, vinyl paint and ink on linen, 48 x 40 cm
(I tell no falsehoods here), 2024, modelling paste, ink and egg shells on linen, 18,5 x 24,5 cm
Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid, 2024, vinyl paint, modelling paste, mica hearts,19 x 16,5 cm
Cotidianidad y celebración, 2019/24, oil on linen, 32 x 40 cm
Homo Bar, 2024,modelling paste, vinyl paint and oil on linen, 35 x 30,5 cm
Elements of Art, 2021/2024,Vinyl paint, pastel, egg shells, glitter and modelling paste on linen, 85 x 105 cm
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Installation view, Maestra, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, 2024
Untitled (bitte kopieren Sie diesen Brief), 2024, ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
Untitled, 2018, ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
Installation view, No Blunder, Sebastian Gladstone, Los Angeles, 2024
Installation view, No Blunder, Sebastian Gladstone, Los Angeles, 2024
Muster (win-win), 2024, ink, aquarelle and vinyl paint on fabric, 70 x 60 cm
abcdefgh, 2022/24, scraps of linen and canvas, pastel, vinyl paint on canvas, 200 x 150 cm
atávico margen, 2024, vinyl paint, egg shells and modelling paste on linen, 30 x 35 cm
Re: an edge between two images (IV), 2024, egg shells, modelling paste and oil on canvas, 22 x 27 cm
A shaking rose, 2023, vinyl paint on canvas, 18 x 16 cm
Muster (Narciso), 2022, ink on fabric, 125 x 105 cm
Installation view, How true, and yet I mistook it!, BPA Raum, Berlin, 2024 (Cosima zu Knyphausen, Francisca Khamis Giacoman)
How true, and yet I mistook it!
Opening: 25.04.24, 5–9 pm
Gallery Weekend hours: Fri & Sat, 11-7 pm
Francisca Khamis Giacoman, Juan Larraín González, Lanna Leite, Alicia Luz Rodríguez, Craig Stewart, Cosima zu Knyphausen
BPA// Raum
Sophienstraße 21
10178 Berlin
New publication!!!
Cosima zu Knyphausen
158 pages, color illustrations, 23.6 x 18.7 cm
published by Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite 2023
Texts by Rahel Schrohe, Cosima zu Knyphausen
Design by Studio Manuel Raeder and Cosima zu Knyphausen
ISBN: 978-3-96436-073-1
Ibídem, 2023, Vinyl paint on linen, 48 x 40 cm
Vergessener Roman über lesbische Liebe, 2019/23, pastel and vinyl paint on canvas, 58 x 48 cm
Installation view, The Temptation to Exist, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin (DE), 2023
Photo: Galerie Thomas Schulte
Eileen, 2023, watercolor pencil on translucent yupo paper, 17 × 12 cm
End of the Day, 2022, Ink on fabric, 32 x 28 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Man stirbt nicht an der Wahrheit, 2022, Vinyl paint, pastel, ink and oil on linen, 60 × 48 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Selbst als Kunstvermittlung, 2022, fabric and ink on canvas, 100 × 70 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Selbst als Kunstvermittlung, 2022, fabric and ink on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (Detail)
Photo: Nick Ash
Boden der HGB, 2022, Ink, vinyl paint and fabric on fabric, 20 × 26 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, The End surprised me, Weiss Falk, Basel (CH), 2022
Photo: Gina Folly
Installation view, The End surprised me, Weiss Falk, Basel (CH), 2022
Photo: Gina Folly
Installation view, The End surprised me, Weiss Falk, Basel (CH), 2022
Photo: Gina Folly
The Poem, 2022, Ink, modelling paste and vinyl paint on fabric, 20 x 15 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Muster (Eva), 2022, Ink, vinyl paint and pastel on fabric, 64 x 48 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, FIGUR – GRUND 2, Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam, Potsdam (DE) 2022
Photo: Bernd Hiepe
Installation view, FIGUR – GRUND 2, Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam, Potsdam (DE) 2022
Photo: Bernd Hiepe
Another day hungover, 2022, Ink on fabric, 27 x 21 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Género Histórico, 2019, pastel and vinyl paint on canvas, 70 x 60 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Muster (intending to look at it the next day, I put it down), 2022, Ink, vinyl paint and pastel on fabric, 82 x 82 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Everything I do could be done differently, piloto pardo at Cecilia Brunson Projects, London (UK), 2022
Photo: Theo Cristelis
Gajes del Oficio (The artist even signed her name along the bottom of the mirror, as if to suggest that the image in her painting is as ephemeral as a silvery reflection), 2021, egg shells on linen, 25 × 20 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Pinturas de género, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (CL), 2022
Photo: Pedro Marinello
Installation view, Pinturas de género, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (CL), 2022
Photo: Pedro Marinello
Installation view, Pinturas de género, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (CL), 2022
Photo: Pedro Marinello
Installation view, Pinturas de género, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (CL), 2022
Photo: Pedro Marinello
egg mosaic IV, 2022, pastel, vinyl paint, acrylic and egg shells on canvas, 150 x 200 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
ya ha terminado para ellos la época que llamaban el buen tiempo, 2022, pastel and vinyl paint on linen 80 x 70 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Muerte Al Macho Violador (láminas I y II), 2022, vinyl paint and glitter on linen, 16 x 22 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
this night strives to create a place centered around solidarity, care and pleasure, 2022, Vinyl paint, egg shells and gouache on linen, 25 x 20 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Bajo el Sol, Travesía Cuatro, Madrid (ES), 2022
Photo: Pablo Gómez-Ogando
Subterfugio (III), 2022, vinyl paint, modelling paste and gouache on linen, 25 x 20 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Christine de Pizan leaving her studio, 2021, Ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
untitled, 2021, hand glazed porcelain, ø 24 cm
Fair to my eyes, and pleasing to my sight, 2021, Ink on cotton, 19 x 15 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
I must thank you for bringing it to my notice; perhaps one day I shall indeed write such a work, 2021, Vinyl paint and egg shells on linen, 85 x 105 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
My mother, 2021, fabric, pastel, vinyl paint, and oil on linen, 16 x 15 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
artists and admirers, 2021, vinyl paint, pastel and egg shells on linen, 20 x 25 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Fontanita, 2021, Vinyl paint, egg shells and oil on canvas, 15 x 18 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Closet Drama, piloto pardo, London (UK), 2021
Photo: Theo Cristelis
Installation view, Closet Drama, piloto pardo, London (UK), 2021
Photo: Theo Cristelis
Überlieferung, 2021, Oil on linen, 23 × 30 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Christine de Pizan leaving the studio as mother calls for supper, 2021, aluminium foil and vinyl paint on linen, 24 x 19 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
The mother of an artist, 2021, egg shells and vinyl paint on canvas, 27 x 35 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Psych. Anal. Küken. (after Gertrude Abercrombie), 2021, egg shells, vinyl paint and oil on linen, 18 × 15 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
effort de l’esprit, 2021, fabric, egg shells and vinyl paint on linen, 21 x 30 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Ei Mosaik, Weiss Falk, Basel (CH), 2021
Photo: Flavio Karrer
Installation view, Ei Mosaik, Weiss Falk, Basel (CH), 2021
Photo: Flavio Karrer
Sommeil pandemique, 2021, Vinyl paint on linen, 16 x 22 cm
Photo: Bastian Gehbauer
Installation view, KV Leipzig (DE), 2021
Photo: Cristian Döller
Installation view, Cultivation Techniques, KV Leipzig (DE), 2021
Photo: Cristian Döller
Installation view, Cultivation Techniques, KV Leipzig (DE), 2021 (with Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė)
Photo: Cristian Döller
Homo Bar (Rondeau), 2021, Video, 5:37 min
Homo Bar (Rondeau), 2021, Video, 5:37 min
Homo Bar (Rondeau), 2021, Video, 5:37 min
Homo Bar (Rondeau), 2021, Video, 5:37 min
La Folía, 2020, vinyl paint, wall paint, aluminium foil and staples on linen, 26 x 20 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Our Days, 2020, oil on linen, 25 x 20 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Unbekannte Künstlerin und ihr Modell im Studio, Oil on linen, 25 x 30cm, 2020
Photo: Nick Ash
Ich und mein Modell, 2020, Video, 6:25 min (stills)
Ich und mein Modell, 2020, Video, 6:25 min (stills)
Ich und mein Modell, 2020, Video, 6:25 min (stills)
Ich und mein Modell, 2020, Video, 6:25 min (stills)
Ich und mein Modell, 2020, Video, 6:25 min (stills)
Installation view, Ich und mein Modell, stadium, Berlin (DE), 2020-21
Installation view, Ich und mein Modell, stadium, Berlin (DE), 2020-21
Here is told of Practice, 2020, egg shells and oil on linen, 15 x 21 cm
peras al olmo, 2020, acrylic and oil on linen, 20 x 25 cm
an edge between two images, 2020, oil on canvas, 24 x 33 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Aussicht aus einem Fenster, 2020, Aluminium, egg shells, nails and oil on canvas, 19 x 15 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Chela dibujando, 2020, clay, acrylic, pastel and charcoal on canvas, 22 x 16 cm
Photo: czk
your young, gay heart surrender, 2019, Vinyl paint and pastel on linen, 21 x 16 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Homo Bar, 2019, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Liseuse, 2019, vinyl paint and pastel on cotton, 40 x 32 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Detail of a miniature of Rectitude leading Christine and other worthy women into the city, 2019, oil on canvas, 24 x 18 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Lanna resting, 2019, vinyl paint, charcoal and pastel on linen, 40 x 32 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Laura studying the Law (by which should be understood the questions she put to Reason, and how Reason replied to her), 2019, pastel, vinyl paint and oil on linen, 48 x 40 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
chemin de long estude, 2019, charcoal, pastel, vinyl paint and oil on canvas, 52 x 42 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
They were not alone, but there are many others and I will tell you about a few of them, 2019, acrylic, vinyl paint, glass beads and oil on canvas, 18 x 16 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Itálicas de la autora, Revolver Galería, Lima (PE), 2019
Photo: Marie Castañeda
Installation view, Itálicas de la autora, Revolver Galería, Lima (PE), 2019
Photo: Marie Castañeda
Grace, 2019, oil on linen, 18 x 24 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Sitting Circles, Galerie Wedding, Berlin (DE), 2019
Untitled, 2019, Ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm
Photo: czk
sabiduría siniestra, 2019, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 24 x 33 cm
Charités, 2019, pastel and vinyl paint on canvas, 70 x 60 cm
Photo: Ramiro Chaves
Installation view, solo booth with stadium at Material Art Fair, Mexico City (MX), 2019
Photo: Ramiro Chaves
A Novel, 2018, Pastel on cotton, 40 x 32 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Young woman reading art magazine, 2018, oil on canvas, 35 x 27 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Apocalypsis vulgi, 2018, Ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
Photo: czk
Edit #76
contribution with drawings
The drapes were light, pastel on cotton, 220 x 300 cm, 2018
Installation view, The drapes were light, stadium, Berlin (DE), 2018
Young woman drawing, 2018, pastel on cotton, 23 x 18 cm
Fit mom, 2018, ink on paper, 32,5 x 23, 5 cm
Photo: czk
Homo Bar, 2017, pastel and vinyl paint on canvas, 50 x 40 cm
Photo: Jakob Argauer
Homo Bar (interior), 2017, pastell and vinyl paint on canvas, 48 x 40 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
lo que es magullador, 2017, pastel on canvas, 33 x 27 cm
Photo: Nick Ash
Installation view, Cuadros para Perú, Die Ecke, Santiago (CL), 2017
Photo: Álvaro Mardones
Installation view, Cuadros para Perú, Die Ecke, Santiago (CL), 2017
Photo: Álvaro Mardones
Installation view, Cuadros para Perú, Die Ecke, Santiago (CL), 2017
Photo: Álvaro Mardones
There had been a market here since colonial times, 2017, pastel, acrylic and oil on canvas, 68 cm x 92 cm
Following independence, (SB), 2017, Mammut Ofenglanz, pigment and pastel on canvas, 60 x 48 cm
Las dos patrias (las dos aristocracias de nuevo cuño –la del Mapocho y la del Rímac– se igualan en el olvido de su origen y en el poco amor a la clase de donde provienen), 2017, pastel on canvas, 92 x 68 cm
Catalogue published on the occasion of Rundgang 50 Hertz. Emma Adler. Asana Fujikawa. Susanne Keichel. Cosima zu Knyphausen. An exhibition of young art the head quarters of 50Hertz in cooperation with the Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
19 July – 13 August, 2017
Curated by Matilda Felix
Graphic Design: Kay Bachmann, Marckus Dreßen (Spector Bureau)
with a text by Dominikus Müller
Installation view, Das Große Bild, Kunstraum Sattler & Poetzsch, Leipzig (DE), 2017
Installation view, Das Große Bild, Kunstraum Sattler & Poetzsch, Leipzig (DE), 2017
El Gran Cuadro (al fondo se distingue un camino y árboles), 2016, oil on canvas, 44 cm x 33 cm
El Gran Cuadro (hay casi siempre en la pintura de los grandes maestros europeos que vinieron a Chile un intento por reflejar cómo éramos), 2016, Mammut Ofenglanz and acrylic on canvas, 44 x 33 cm
cameo, 2016, oil, acrylic and ash on canvas, 40 x 30 cm
Installation view, 77 Zeichnungen, Villa Leibniz, Leipzig (DE), 2016
Photo: Sebastian Komnick
Installation view, 77 Zeichnungen, Villa Leibniz, Leipzig (DE), 2016
Photo: Sebastian Komnick
Installation view, 77 Zeichnungen, Villa Leibniz, Leipzig (DE), 2016
Photo: Sebastian Komnick
Untitled, 2016, graphite on paper, 32,5 x 23,5 cm
Photo: czk
Untitled, 2015, graphite on paper, 32,5 x 23,5 cm
Photo: czk
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2021 © Cosima zu Knyphausen. All rights reserved.
email: studio (at) cosimazuknyphausen (dot) info
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